The John Batchelor Show

What's Breaking News Tonight?

Embedded thumbnail for VIDEO: Iranian Aggression

VIDEO: Iranian Aggression

Thursday  25 August 2016     / Hour 2, Block A:  Malcolm Hoenlein, Conference of Presidents, in re: Harassing of US naval warships  (Nitze) in the Persian Gulf near Straits of Hormuz: bolder, nastier, more confident; IIRGC's navy, reports directly ti Iranian leadership, running coastal defense...
Embedded thumbnail for VIDEO: Tax Plan

VIDEO: Tax Plan

Tuesday  23 August 2016   / Hour 1, Block A:Veronique de Rugy, Mercatus Center, in re: Has the market already factored in the two tax plans?  Not clear; maybe not. Mrs Clinton’s plan has an exit tax for corporations moving money elsewhere; it doubles down on the horrible worldwide tax system,...
Embedded thumbnail for VIDEO: Another Reboot

VIDEO: Another Reboot

Monday 22 August 2016 / Hour 2, Block A:   David M Drucker, Washington Examiner Senior Congressional correspondent; John Fund, NRO, in re:  Yet more new campaign managers: Steve Bannon, and Kellyanne Conway, and experienced political operative. Under their tutelage, they become less definite about...
Embedded thumbnail for VIDEO: What Is to Be Done?

VIDEO: What Is to Be Done?

Tuesday  16 August 2016   / Hour 1, Block B:  Bill Whalen, Hoover, in re: WW:  First, stop attacking media on a daily basis. No more “crooked CNN.”  And don't panic.  See 1988: Reagan was down 8 points in mid-August. Just chip away.  LK: Number-one issue is the economy, even more than trade and...

VIDEO: Trendlines

Monday 15 August 2016 / Hour 2, Block A:   David M Drucker, Washington Examiner Senior Congressional correspondent in Palo Alto; John Fund, NRO, in Denver, in re: Clinton superPAC is significantly reducing spending on TV ads until the September debate in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Colorado – three...
Embedded thumbnail for VIDEO: TPP, China and Idaho

VIDEO: TPP, China and Idaho

Wednesday   3 August 2016 / Hour 1, Block A: Steve Yates, chairman of the Idaho Republican Party, CEO of D.C. International Advisory, and former advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, in re:  The TPP: either the US writes the trade rules for Asia or the Chinese Communist Party does.  Better that we...
Embedded thumbnail for VIDEO: Obamacare Failure

VIDEO: Obamacare Failure

Tuesday  12 July 2016   / Hour 1, Block C: Brian Blase, Mercatus Center Senior Research Fellow, and Forbes; in re: Adam Smith’s genius of 1777.   Americans make a market of [almost everything]. People who use the ACA plans are older, sicker and cagier than the Obama Adm imagined, allowed for, or...
